EMERGE applies Open Science policies to ensure that all scientists, policymakers, end-users, and the general public can access our findings, ethics guidelines, and other deliverables. Find below all public deliverables currently available.

D1.1 - Local awareness criteria

This deliverable identifies six challenges for the project of implementing awareness in artificial agents - both at the conceptual, engineering, ethical and industrial levels - and offers a dimensional approach as a way to address them.

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D2.1 - Ethics monitoring and compliance

This deliverable describes the technical and organisational measures that are implemented in EMERGE to safeguard ethical aspects and ensure compliance with national and EU laws and guidelines. It also reports the results of the ethical self-assessments regarding artificial intelligence. The informed consent procedures and forms for the experiments involving human participants are also detailed.

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D2.2 - Map of risks in AI-systems

This deliverable reviews a number of ethical and practical challenges and opportunities that could arise with the introduction of collective and aware systems powered by artificial intelligence (AI) into human society

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D3.1 - Preliminary bestiary of archetypes

This deliverable presents the preliminary investigations into archetypical units and connectors, a set of building blocks that can be combined into more complex systems - called archetype networks - that are the fundamental computational engine of EMERGE built using the language of nonlinear dynamical systems.

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D5.1 - Measuring emergent awareness

This deliverable provides a framework to measure changes in behaviour based on different dimensions of awareness. We show the framework could be used across use-cases present in the project, from soft robots and networks to swarm robotics and natural systems. We also provide more in-depth metrics associated with swarm robotics.

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D8.1 - Project website, logo and online presence

This deliverable details EMERGE’s branding and logo, project website and social media channels.

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D8.2 - Communication and dissemination plan

This deliverable presents the strategy for communication and dissemination of the EMERGE project’s objectives and results. It identifies key audiences and stakeholders, their characteristics, and relevant messages. The plan presents the communication and dissemination activities, channels and materials which will be used by project partners throughout the project.

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D9.2 - Data Management Plan

This deliverable describes the data collected within the project as well as the plans for making those data, as well as other research outcomes, available and exploitable by the community. The primary sharing platform for EMERGE’s research outcome is identified and discussed.

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