Nicolò Navarin, Luca Pasa, Claudio Gallicchio, Luca Oneto, and Alessandro Sperduti, Over-Parameterized Neural Models based on Graph Random Features for fast and accurate graph classification, in "20th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs In conjunction with ECMLPKDD 2023"
Abstract: Recent works have proven the feasibility of fast and accurate time series classification methods based on randomized convolutional kernels [6, 38]. Concerning graph-structured data, the majority of randomized graph neural networks are based on the Echo State Network paradigm in which single layers or the whole network present some form of recurrence [9, 8]. This paper aims to explore a simple form of a randomized graph neural network. Our idea is implement a no-frills graph convolutional network and leave its weights untrained. Then, we aggregate the node representations with global pooling operators, obtaining an untrained graph-level representation. Since there is no training involved, computing such representation is extremely fast. We then apply a fast linear classifier to the obtained representations. We show that such a simple approach can obtain competitive predictive performance while being extremely efficient both at training and inference time. We also study when over-parameterization, namely generating more features than the ones necessary to interpolate, may be beneficial for the generalization abilities of the resulting models. Exploiting the algorithmic stability framework and based on empirical evidences from the considered graph datasets, we will shed some light on the over-parameterization setting.
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