Calendar31 October 2024

EMERGE partners awarded the Best Paper at DARS’24. EMERGE partners awarded the Best Paper at DARS’24.

EMERGE partners Simon Jones and Sabine Hauert were awarded the Best Paper Award for their work “Distributed Spatial Awareness for Swarms“ presented at the International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS’24) on October 28-30, 2024, in New York City, USA.

Abstract: Building a distributed spatial awareness within a swarm of locally sensing and communicating robots enables new swarm algorithms. We use local observations by robots of each other and Gaussian Belief Propagation message passing combined with continuous swarm movement to build a global and distributed swarm-centric frame of reference. With low bandwidth and computation requirements, this shared reference frame allows new swarm algorithms. We characterise the system in simulation and demonstrate two example algorithms.

Learn more about the event in the link below.